Frequently asked questions

What is GumBallPay?
GumBallPay is a payment gateway that allows businesses to accept payments online. It is designed to make the payment process simple, fast, and secure for both merchants and customers.
How does GumBallPay work?
GumBallPay works by securely processing customer transactions through its payment gateway. When a customer makes a payment, the transaction is securely processed, and the funds are transferred to the merchant's account. GumBallPay also offers fraud prevention tools and chargeback management services to help businesses mitigate risk.
What payment methods does GumBallPay support?
GumBallPay processes all online card transactions, including credit cards, debit cards, and prepaid cards, both physical and virtual. It supports all card schemes, including but not limited to Visa, Mastercard, and JCB. The GumBallPay platform also supports transactions via PayID in Australia and other APMs.
Which countries can GumBallPay process payments in?
Worldwide - the GumBallPay gateway processes payments in all countries across the globe except the USA, Iran, Iraq & Israel.
Is GumBallPay secure?
Yes, GumBallPay is highly secure. The platform uses advanced encryption technology to protect customer data and transactions. It is also 3DS & 3DS2 secure & PCI-DSS compliant, meeting all industry standards for protecting sensitive data and information.

Do you have any other questions?

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